
Expensive SMS tariff SMS 67 000

Thumbs up Rates Per 67,000 Most Expensive SMS SMS

Mahalkah sms tariff in Indonesia? If you penguna celullar who often complain because high tariffs sms, sms and assume that the tariff in Indonesia is the most expensive, you better think again. As it turns out there are other countries that fare smsnya more expensive than Indonesia.

So which country is its most expensive sms rates in the world? The answer is in Zimbabwe. Since African countries that experienced an uncontrollable inflation, local governments raise SMS rates to 1000% from the original tariff. The new tariff is stifling (or a more cruel again) mobile users.

SMS at local rates for Zimbabwe is USD 5-7 or with the rupiah exchange rate of 9.665 per 1 USD is equivalent to Rp 48,325-Rp 67,665. Enough to buy a few kilograms of rice in Indonesia. For SMS rates abroad, even crazier. A set price is between $ 12 and $ 20, or about Rp 115,980, - to Rp 193,300, -

Alamak, just SMS "pulse out" aja have to pay almost 50 rb, enough to buy a refill pulse. Fortunately for us who live in Indonesia, though often "fooled" by the ad-paced promo from cellular provider but still can feel the cheapness sms when compared to Zimbabwe.

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